AutoCAD for the Theatre

About the CCDMD

The CCDMD produces printed, digital, and online materials for teaching staff and students throughout the Quebec college system. Its mandate is both to ensure that students in the system have access to quality educational materials in French and English, and to contribute to the development of these materials at the various stages of production.

Book and Website Credits

The book and website were made possible by the cooperation of the following people:

Pierre Dussol
Project Manager:
Nicholas Birks
Pedagogical Editors:
Nicholas Birks, Maggi Macaulay
Content Advisor (AutoCAD, Drafting):
Nathalie Ouimet
Content Advisor (Drafting, Architecture):
Christopher Brown
Copy Editor:
Eva van Emden
Maggi Macaulay
Book & Website Design/Layout:
Brian Ally, zijn digital
Website Background Designs:
Courtesy of Lorenzo Savoini, © 2010 (Originally created for Soulpepper Theatre Company, Toronto.)